Thursday, March 2, 2017

My conversation with Mark Colavecchio ...

Yesterday I joined Mark Colavecchio on his morning talk radio show on KFQD to discuss Tuesday's hugely disappointing HFIN vote to move more than $4B (more than half the current total realized amount) out of the Permanent Fund Earnings Reserve Account into the general fund, as well as the adverse effect of two leading fiscal restructuring bills (HB 115 and SB 70) on both Alaskans and the overall Alaska economy.

My written comments on Tuesday's HFIN action are here:  Alaska's fiscal and economic doomsday clock moved significantly closer to midnight,  My comments on HB 115 and SB 70 are here ("We don't always agree with Gregg Erickson, but we certainly do on this piece," and here ("Comparing the impact of SB 70 v. HB 115 on the overall Alaska economy,"

Mark and I expanded on both during the conversation.

The conversation is available here, or at the link below: