To provide those reading these pages with some perspective, here is how investors look at earnings when considering ongoing investments:
4th Qtr 2013
- Net Revenues before taxes and royalty: $1.6 billion
- Of that, in order of receipt
- State of Alaska: $0.7 billion
- ConocoPhillips 0.6 billion
- Federal Government 0.3 billion
Full year 2013
Keep in mind that neither the State of Alaska nor the federal government have made any share of the investment in developing and producing the revenue stream. As a result, from their perspective, in 2013 investors made 100% of the capital investment and paid all of the expenses, and earned back only 38% (4th Quarter) and 37% (full year) of the net revenues.
- Net Revenues before taxes and royalty: $6.3 billion
- Of that, in order of receipt
- State of Alaska $2.9 billion
- ConocoPhillips 2.3 billion
- Federal Government 1.1 billion
Thanks for this perspective.